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The fourth dimension



I consider the fourth dimension not only as a spatial concept, but primarily as an inner awareness of greater complexities and higher units. My deep interest in the teachings of mysticism is a source of inspiration.
These teachings, in its simplest form, consists of only two things: everything is one, and the one is unknowable. These ideas are incorporated in my paintings.
By focusing on details and blowing them up into acrylic paintings of 122 x 150 cm, the works exude a sense of complexity and depth. The paintings suggest that there is more than just what we can see and that everything is part of a larger whole.
The idea that there is no separation is also reflected in the paintings. By isolating and magnifying the details, I invite the viewer to contemplate the coherence and connections between all aspects of the whole. The paintings are an invitation to reconsider our own perception of reality and to explore what lies beneath the surface.

©2023 by Tineke Storteboom. Met trots gemaakt met

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