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Unio Mystica


Paintings Unio Mystica 1990





Paintings Unio Mystica 1990

Paintings Unio Mystica 1990

My next series of paintings is inspired by the myth told by Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium. The myth describes the first humans as completely round, with four arms and four legs, and a head with two faces looking in opposite directions. These beings possessed incredible intelligence and qualities that rivalled the gods, making the gods jealous and afraid. To diminish their power, the gods cut the spheres in half, resulting in male and female halves. Since then, the two halves have been striving for reunion, and when they meet, they experience a profound sense of love, friendship, and intimacy that they don't want to lose.

©2023 by Tineke Storteboom. Met trots gemaakt met

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