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My serie of work inspired by the bull has various themes and influences. The bull can be seen as a symbol of power, strength, and courage. The concept of duende intrigues me, a term used in Spanish art and culture, refers to a heightened state of emotion and authenticity. Bullfighting, a traditional practice in Spain, is a complex and controversial subject that can evoke mixed feelings.
The patterns in the background of my paintings are a reference to the rich cultural heritage of Spain, including its intricate tiles and textiles. The map of the church symbolizes the importance of religion in Spanish culture, with bullfighting often being seen as a ritualistic practice.
The painting titled "Tomorrow I'll buy you a house or I dress you in morning" is chosen because fighting the bull is 'living on the edge'. The bowing figure in the background represents submission or humility, while the man killed by a bull symbolizes the fragility of human life. The woman rising up represents resilience and the ability to overcome adversity.
Overall, the works explore the intersection of culture, tradition, and personal experiences.

©2023 by Tineke Storteboom. Met trots gemaakt met

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