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The Odyssee


The Odyssee Paintings


Paintings 2003

The Odyssey is a classic epic poem by Homer that tells the story of the Greek hero Odysseus and his long journey home after the Trojan War. I made a series of paintings inspired by the Odyssey.

For this project I read Joseph Campbell's book about the hero's journey and I explored the archetypal journey of the hero through a series of paintings. Each painting captures a different aspect of the journey, from the call to adventure to the return home. The use of a limited color palette and bold brushwork creates a sense of movement and energy in these works, conveying the epic nature of the story. These works were exhibited in unconventional spaces, such as the fields of Schokland, adding a sense of context and history to the viewing experience.

©2023 by Tineke Storteboom. Met trots gemaakt met

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