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Falling angels



In 1989 I made a serie work around falling angels.
I was intrigued by angels as symbols of purity, warmth, protection and knowledge, as well as the existence of the fallen angels. The good versus evil.

The concept of falling angels is often associated with the Christian tradition, where angels are believed to be spiritual beings created by God who serve as messengers or agents of God's will. According to the Bible, some angels, led by Lucifer, rebelled against God and were cast out of heaven, resulting in their "fall" from grace.

In the paintings there were always three, androgyne beings, in space.
The themes of falling angels, black and white background, and the androgyne suggest a contrast between opposing forces or dualities, while the number three implies a triadic unity or balance. The transparent quality of the paintings also suggests a blending or merging of these opposing forces. The androgyne falling angels represent a transcendent unity beyond gender or dualities. The underground black and white square suggests a hidden or obscured realm, representing the unconscious or spiritual dimension. The space in which these elements exist represent a larger cosmic or metaphysical context.

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